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Step Board
Give your Wii Fit aerobic workout even more of an extra boost
with the double step Aerobic Platform for Wii Fit. The average
Aerobic Step Platform stand would be placed under your Wii
Fit balance board, elevating it to a full 4 inches from the
ground, a standard height for actual step aerobics. However
this platform can adjust to two dierent height levels by
laying it at horizontally or turning it on its side vertically,
taking it to 6 inches in height! For a secure grip to many
surfaces, the double step platform has rubber pegs on both
the bottom and sides of the platforms, plus a tablet
in-between to hold them together. With the double step
Aerobic Platform you’ll be performing step aerobics exercises
on the Wii just like you would at any expensive Gym without
the pricy memberships!
Features include:
• Attaches to the bottom of the Wii Fit balance board
• Can be placed flat horizontally or on its side vertically
• Rubber pegs under and on the side of the platform
• Adjusts from 3 inches to 6 inches in height
Aerobic step mode
Wii t Balance Board not included
6 inch step mode
3 inch step mode
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