CTA Digital PSM-UBG Fiche technique

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CTA Digital, Inc. 49 South Second Street, Brooklyn, New York 11211
Tel. (718) 963-9845 | Toll Free (888) 733-4448 | Fax. (718) 384-3509
*PS Move Motion and Navigation controllers not included
To deliver that final, bone-crunching blow via the PlayStation® Move, serious gamers
and fight fanatics alike finally have the tool they’ve long been clamoring for: the
Ultimate Boxing Gloves. No other accessory provides such an authentic sensation of
being in a real boxing match, along with the freedom of movement that the sport is all
about. Inside the palm of each glove is a velcro pouch where the PlayStation® Move
Controller or Navigation Controller fits snuggly and securely. Once its game time,
you’ll hardly remember that they’re there! And the velcro straps around your wrists are
also easily adjustable, for the absolute perfect fit. Adding to the comfort is the high
quality padding that covers the back of ones hands. The Ultimate Boxing Gloves for
the PlayStation® Move is the real deal solution that virtual fighters have only dreamt
of. Time to get in the ring!
Adjustable velcro straps provide the ultimate in comfort.
Controllers fit inside velcro pouches and blends into the gloves
Lightweight and fits any sized hands
Compatible With The Following:
The Fight: Lights Out
And any other PlayStatio Move boxing game
Ultimate Boxing Gloves
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Résumé du contenu

Page 1 - Ultimate Boxing Gloves

PSM-UBGCTA Digital, Inc. 49 South Second Street, Brooklyn, New York 11211Tel. (718) 963-9845 | Toll Free (888) 733-4448 | Fax. (718) 384-3509 www.ctad

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