CTA Digital LDS-PK Fiche technique

Naviguer en ligne ou télécharger Fiche technique pour Protecteurs d'écran CTA Digital LDS-PK. CTA Digital LDS-PK screen protector Manuel d'utilisatio

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CTA Digital, Inc. 49 South Second Street, Brooklyn, New York 11211
Tel. (718) 963-9845 | Toll Free (888) 733-4448 | Fax. (718) 384-3509
DSi XL and DSi games are not included
Quantity Width Depth Height Weight UPC Barcode
Packaging 1 5.25 0.75 10.25 0.1 lbs 656777010539
Master 40 11 10.2 12.2 6.6 lbs 10656777010536
With these screen protectors, you can protect your DSi™ XL screens from the wear and tear of
everyday use. The protective plastic acts to resist scratches. Enjoy the freedom of using a stylus pen
with your system with out the chance of scratching your screens. The peace of mind that your Dsi™
XL is protected makes this a must have product. The screen protection Kit protects your
DSi™ XL every time you use it.
Features include:
• Protects screens from stylus, or accidental scratches
• Easy to apply
Package includes
a. Application Card
b. Cleaning Cloth
c. Camera Protector Screen
d. Top Protector Screen
e. Bottom Protector Screen
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Résumé du contenu

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LDS-PKCTA Digital, Inc. 49 South Second Street, Brooklyn, New York 11211Tel. (718) 963-9845 | Toll Free (888) 733-4448 | Fax. (718) 384-3509

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